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Using Online Tools and ePortfolios for Visual Arts

Video Overview

A 1st class teacher outlines how she uses Google Classroom for Visual Arts. She explains how pupils create a digital rubric that is followed by pupils creating art. Photos of the pupils’ work are saved to Google Drive to form an ePortfolio.


A class teacher outlines how she uses Google Classroom when teaching a Visual Arts lesson. She explains how pupils create a digital rubric that is followed by pupils creating with clay. Photos of the pupils’ work are saved to Google Drive to form an ePortfolio. Self and peer assessment is key during the art lesson as well as differentiation of the rubric to meet the individual pupils strengths and weaknesses.

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Introducing Digital Portfolios (Primary)

Video tutorials

The following short tutorials will show you how to use apps featured in the video:

Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (1. Learner Outcomes)

  • 1.1 Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active, creative and critical engagement in attaining challenging learning outcomes.

Teaching & Learning (2. Learner Experiences)

  • 2.4 Pupils experience opportunities to develop the skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.

Pupils have opportunities to apply their digital competence in new situations or contexts and have an age appropriate understanding of how digital technology can support lifelong learning.

Teaching & Learning (3. Teachers’ Individual Practice)

  • 3.2 The teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress pupils’ learning.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to design learning activities that facilitate personalised and differentiated learning.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to design complex, real-world problems and structure them in a way that incorporates key subject matter concepts.

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

Teaching & Learning, Primary, Content Creation, Digital Portfolios

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